
Teach you how to improve the study in the United States visa success rate of the three elements

When applying for a visa, true, lawful property certificate of student and the lack of immigration tendency are elements of a visa officer value most.


Jinghua times reported on Wednesday, we invited the United States embassy visa officer Catherine analytical apply for a student visa for the students and parents of confusion. Many parents still struggle with how to prepare a property certificate. Catherine suggestion, us embassy never specify property proof standard, as long as you can prove that he study abroad (microblogging) have the ability to continue to pay tuition fees.




Visa officer to be present a labyrinth




The United States embassy visa officer Catherine and EducationUSA StevenYin teacher is responsible for the consultation. Like last time, the arrival of the visa officer still attracted many students and parents will deal with visa. Many students still instead of yourself or the other friends abroad, to the visa officer to ask questions. It is worth noting that the consultation process, many students and parents of the foreign language level is very high, with the visa officer directly in English dialogue, communication, and high efficiency.




Catherine, first of all, introduced the new visa system is enabled, again on the policy did not change, just more convenient and efficient in the application process.




When applying for a visa, she argues, the true, lawful property certificate of student and have no immigration (microblogging) the elements of value tendency is the visa officer, the visa officer will be according to the different situation of every applicant to ask questions, think about their relations to the United States and future planning, and have enough ability to pay, can show oneself is closely linked with the motherland, can increase the probability of successful student visa.




Property show that there is no specific standards




In consulting, there are still a lot of what the parents ask their children to prove what property, just enough to ensure that children get a student visa success. , Catherine said the property certificate standards set by the U.S. embassy has never, as long as can provide evidence that the applicant has sufficient ability to continue to pay the expenses studying in the United States.




There are a lot of parents, according to the questions you want to send their children to the United States what to deal with the visa. Catherine is introduced, and the United States embassy allowing parents to send their children to school, parents need to deal with B1 or B2 visa.




A new study abroad consultation will begin




After two rounds of consultation of visa officer, the theme is "how to deal with visa" temporarily. EducationUSA China, Steven teacher said the United States embassy, the visa application is successful, a lot of students face the "prepared", and in 2014 a new round of study abroad consulting also is about to begin.




, Steven teacher said, if you want to apply for study in 2014, from now on should be preparing for, since choose school and major in advance planning their own career to stay in the United States.




> > weekly q&a




Apply for a visa not only see the proof of deposit




Q: I'm now studying in third countries, holds a passport and a third country of permanent residence, want to apply for a transfer from the United States, if admitted, is in a third country to deal with visa?




A: does not require the applicant must return to the us embassy for A visa. No matter you are in or country of residence to apply for the visa now, interview to show that you and the outside of the United States are closely linked.




Q: at present, the children in the United States community college to read for a year, in May this year holiday preparations to go back to China to renew. For some reason at the community college credits is not complete, said college credits not complete can't keep the identity of the students. School recommendations, either to give him a new I - 20 let him return to sign; Or let him stay in the United States embassy reply, how should we choose?




A: international students during the period of study in the United States, must be certain enough credits per semester to ensure legal student status. The current situation is the provisions of the existing problems between students and schools, so students should with the school consultation solution, and cannot stay in the United States waiting for the embassy to reply. The best solution is to get back home to deal with visa, I - 20 form will need to apply for a visa interview, not through the China citic bank issuing.






Q: my daughter is now a freshman in the United States, she went to the United States in 2009 to read high school, read university in the United States in 2012 as a H4 (her mother is H1 visa), but her mother may lose the identity of the H1 recently, so my daughter can't H4 identity, what should I do?




A: if A mother has lost the H1 visa (work visa), the daughter also can't again continue hold H4's identity, the priority now is to make sure that your daughter in the United States maintain A legal identity, suggest specific consulting at ciubeijing@state.gov.




Q: after school for submission of the deposit certificate and go to the embassy visa is the same?




A: can not the same copy of deposit certificate. As long as you can prove that students and their families have a stable source of income, have the ability to pay a fee set by the student during the study in the United States,